Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Yogi Kalinath - Chapter 2, Verse 27Pada 2, Sutra 27 Sanskrit Verse Tasya saptadhaa praata-bhoomih prajnaac Translation In the final stage one’s wisdom insight is sevenfold....
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Yogi Kalinath - Chapter 2, Verse 26Pada 2, Sutra 26 Sanskrit Verse Viveka-khyaatir aviplavaa haanopaayah Translation Unceasing discernment is the way to remove and end...
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Yogi Kalinath - Chapter 2, Verse 25Pada 2, Sutra 25 Sanskrit Verse Tad-abhaavaat sanyogaabhaavo haanam tad-drsheh kaivalyam Translation With the disappearance of ignorance,...
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Yogi Kalinath - Chapter 2, Verse 24Pada 2, Sutra 24 Sanskrit Verse Tasya hetur avidyaa Translation The cause of this is ignorance. Interpretation The cause of the false...